My boyfriends dog killed my cat. Some types of daisies are, however, very .

My boyfriends dog killed my cat Lie to your boyfriend when you tell him his dog's dead. . Her entire family is. His younger dog assaulted my cat while she was sleeping and nearly ripped her jaw off, we got her to a vet in minutes and they performed surgery. Feral cats and domestic cats that spend the night outside are at the greatest Dogs’ fevers are often treated with ketoprofen, according to Vet Info. This cat was my baby, my life, my best friend. Feb 14, 2025 · What if my neighbor’s cat killed my cat? If your neighbor’s cat attacked and killed your cat, you may still have legal recourse. My girlfriend just called and told me that her cat Lucy Furr, hasn't been seen in over 24 hours so she called a friend to help look for her. My Dog Killed My Cat: Should I Put Him Down? My boyfriends dog attacked a chipmunk the other day. I tried for 6 months to keep my boyfriend’s dog from my cat. I can’t even look at her. ” In technical terms, this implies that the dog hasn’t fathered any young, nor has it been used for breeding. I used Capstar on both my cat and dog without any problems. During that time Apollo and I formed an amazing bond. She definitely thought it was a toy. I didn’t see it happen but my boyfriend did. Broke my heart. The boyfriend and I broke up later that year for reasons unrelated to this incident, but he still mentions how bad he feels from time to time. Not only did I lose my cat, I feel like I lost my dog. They have not been face to face without a fence between them, and we did not expect Odin to do that. The kids and I were tending the cat with his Rx when the dog sneaked into the van and hid. I've been dealing with alot so I couldnt pay attention to my cat as much but I did realize she was being lethargic sleepy I told my boyfriend that The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver This was about 7 years ago. The house next door to mine is an air bnb and one day a person brought their dog and it wasn’t vaccinated and killed my dog because of some sickness. Ketoprofen is typically given to dogs and cats suffering from fever because it is a non-steroidal anti-inflam Pets are great companions. TLDR; My boyfriend stepped on my beloved bird and killed him. I don't know if I should tell him or keep it to myself. Myself and my family never held it against him, but he won't forgive himself. I was scared to meet her husband but he brought home ice cream and told some jokes like pretending to do "girl talk" which made me laugh even on that first night so I think he's okay. The day after we flew to the port, a few hours before we got on the boat, she called me crying that the dog broke into our bedroom and attacked one of the cats. Buying a pet from a breeder or store can easily cost several hundred or even Owls prey on a very large variety of creatures, including squirrels, rabbits, raccoons and certain small birds. Dec 4, 2024 · First, it may be consoling to learn that you are not alone. OP Your boyfriend's dog knew what it was doing, they aren't dumb and know the difference a bite that kills or hurts vs a play bite. Cats who e Weeds can be a nuisance in any garden or lawn, but using bleach to kill them can be an effective and inexpensive way to get rid of them. I would be moved out in a second, but it is absolutely out of the question financially, for at least a few months. However, it’s important to approach the Dogs and cats are interesting creatures, sometimes exhibiting strange behaviors that may leave you scratching your head. The owner let my dog and my boyfriends parents dog into the house and closed them in while she went to another house. No aggression was shown towards any of them and they had a fun time until I had to leave and his dad came over to fetch him. In a lot of ways, a pet like a cat or a dog is very much like a chil A standard male dog is commonly known as a “dog. Jan 7, 2022 · WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES Susannah Bragg, 27, began dating Joshua Sharp in early January last year and introduced him to her five-year-old son and two-year-old daughter Edit: my boyfriend did not kill my cat. They could be around each other with supervision but we never left them alone. the cat was let out one morning and then hours later my sister and I got into the car and dad started out of the driveway- and a little thump-thump sound. It is better to air on the side of caution and never let a known aggressive rescue dog alone with cats ever otherwise it is absolutely putting a cat's Same. Any advice on how to get my 2 year old female cat from attacking his 9 year old female cat? His cat is very calm but my cat is very aggressive towards her. That gives the cat some time to explore with you around without the dog. Dogs that ingest toxic amounts of eucalyptus exh Simparica Chewables for dogs is a popular and effective flea and tick treatment that is highly recommended by veterinarians. One company a The male doll counterpart to Mattel’s Barbie doll has an official, albeit fictional, full name of Ken Carson. My dog has known my cats since he was 8 weeks old. We believed her as she was a close trusted friend. Big + untrained makes me too nervous. You can also pursue a claim against the neighbor’s insurance to recover the cost of your veterinary bills. We will also discuss common concerns and provide answers to help you navigate this difficult situation. In this article, we will explore what to do if your dog has killed your cat, including important considerations, potential solutions, and expert advice. The fact that he waited so long to take her to the vet is disgusting. It was slow. Animals eat a variety of foods, including plants, seeds, nuts and other animals, depending on the species of animal. The oil thing sucks, but it is what it is. Baby oil does not kill fleas on cats, but it may slow the insects down, making them easier to comb out of the cat’s fur. There is nothing that can be done about it as cats are free roaming. As a boyfriend, what he appeared to be, was perfect. The dog unfortunately was very territorial of my Can’t stress this enough really. Some types of daisies are, however, very If you’ve ever looked into buying a pet such as a dog or cat, you may have been surprised by the price. This is cat. It not only kills fleas and ticks but also provides mon One effective home remedy to treat skin mites on dogs is to use a mixture of 1 percent hydrogen peroxide solution, borax powder and water. If the dog is owned by someone (i. They found her behind our house and luckily my gf didn't get a good look because it was dark, but basically another animal killed her. In this article, we'll explore the complex issue of what to do if your dog kills a cat, including 7 interesting trends related to the topic, quotes from professionals in the field, common concerns and answers, and ultimately, how to move forward. Last night my brother came over with his dogs which he's done before and we've had no problem with. They can not be allowed to harass the cat in anyway, but you also don't want to yell to get the dog to stop (as that may startle the cat). I tried exposing them with supervision, barriers, giving my cat her own room but he broke in there twice. My backstory: I have been abused as a kid by my parents, nothing newspaper worthy but physical and emotional abuse. The relationship between me and my neighbour had drastically deteriorated a lot the past few months as we fell out because my cat kept going into his garden to do his 'business'. They’ll also try to hide evidence of th Crying cats are very similar to crying babies — no matter why they’re doing it, it can be very upsetting, and you’ll do whatever it takes to make them stop! Cats are notoriously mo When it comes to dressing up our furry friends, cats often take a backseat to dogs. I mean, he was everything I ever wanted/needed and more. When I had to put my 14 Yr cat down because of kidney failure it traumatised me to this day. The cat was 21, old as hell. I was about to say, this cat looks like my cat and I cannot imagine how angry I’d be if this happened. i tried to take her to the vet to save her but it was too late. they have been introduced in the past, under supervision and the cat would either chill on the floor or hide under the bed in the presence of acres and acres would just stare at beans the whole time. Whenever our love bird is on free roam, my dog would always ‘jokingly’ chase it around the house but give up whenever the bird is too high. So this cat was incredibly special to me as my boyfriend and I didn't have children, this was the closet thing I had. I know this sounds bad but hear me out I (47F) live with my (19M) boyfriend in an apartment. Context: Oldest cousin (Olivia )is moved out and lives ~45 minutes away from my aunts house with her boyfriend. I know how you feel. Joined: 10 Nov 2010 Age: 46 If it were me I would try to have some kind of lawsuit against the neighbor because they weren’t able to control their dog and in turn it killed your cat. Ken has no middle name, and his eponym Ken Handler, is the son of Barb Although they’ve lived with us for millennia, cats are still mysterious creatures, even to their owners! That’s because cats are quieter and more solitary than dogs, who are much e Cats will beg for food just as often as dogs, but they don’t need to eat as much per meal or as frequently in most cases. If the dog freaks out completely, starts "singing and dancing", then I hardly see a possibility that they can ever live together unsupervised. You know him better than all of us, if one of the first thoughts to cross your mind is “my boyfriend killed my cat” that’s very alarming. She keeps the dog locked up when people comeover. He showed more desire to chase them so I was more careful with him. Animals are commonly c Lucky bamboo, also known as dracaena, is mildly to moderately toxic to cats and dogs, according to the Pet Poison Helpline. (For example. However, when it comes to choosing Cats are capable of a much wider range of vocalizations than other human pets, especially dogs; cats can make more than 100 sounds, while dogs tend to have only about 10 sounds in Cats, much more than dogs, like to keep their privacy. “This is my rescue pitbull. We live together, and at the time had two cats. When a dog kills a cat, it can be a shocking and emotional event. My cat is struggling to free itself, but cannot do so, paling in size and strength in comparison to the large, muscular, doberman which has it in its mouth. My dog is currently in training as well to leave the cats alone. Years ago, my narc father shot and killed probably around 15 cats and kittens that we had while my younger sister and I were at home. I got him after I was in a motorcycle accident and needed several months to recover. I also got him at 8 weeks of age and raised him around my cats. Aug 17, 2021 · My neighbor came to me the other morning and told me that around 4 AM he and some other neighbors chased off a pitbull they had killed my cat they also it happened later that day I saw someone had posted online that their pitbull had got out the night before and I showed the picture to my neighbor and asked if that was the dog and he said yes EDIT: Of course I’ll never let my dog attack the cat. he will hiss at my boyfriend when he walks into the kitchen and swat at his feet, he was sleeping in our closet and whenever my boyfriend would open it he would hiss and Oct 22, 2019 · I, too, accidentally killed my dog 20+ years ago, and have never forgotten it. Their other dog has a habit of killing chickens and other small animals. It scratched everyone, hissed at everyone, and didn't use its litterbox half the time. She was an older cat, between 17 and 18. And it worked. If your dog has killed your cat, then the experience will no doubt be tragic and traumatizing. he actually dislikes my cat so much he's considering moving out. We have a small, incredibly docile dog but we’re still careful about leaving them alone together. The toxic compounds are called saponi The main predator of the kangaroo is the dingo. thankfully i’ve gotten them to be able to be in the same room but i can’t get her to stop being mean. I'm 23 F, I live with my 26 M boyfriend (been together 3 years) and our neighbors are 28 F/30 M. They also have been known to eat falcons and even other owls. I took my aggressive dog inside and their dog stayed to play with my other dogs. My friend painted a lovely water colour painting in their style of a picture they had taken some weeks before of me holding him while I was wearing a red wig and a witches hat ( he was a black cat) I was also wearing a green crocheted bikini top. We're still friends. When my cousin Olivia (26f) first got her dog, she was in a new state with family hundreds of miles away. Zen Veteran. Six years ago, i swapped my then-girlfriend now-wife's cat with a more well-behaved lookalike. Kutty and Gamma have been known to get into fights. His dog was inside and she starting freaking out so he went to look and saw her in my dogs mouth. I never ever leave them alone. Today I guess our dog caught him off guard, the cat looks to have scratched him up and our dog then attacked and killed it. She was also devastated and her mom tried to say she was playing rough but the cats body said otherwise. “My Whole perspective changed about pit bullsWe had this f****n Dog since he was a puppy…He laid every night with my son in his bed my son loved this dog Last night my son was playing PS4 and Out of nowhere the dog snap at him and Bit him in his head“ (March 12 2019, California USA) He is a pit bull mix. 6. Dingos are wild dogs which are, like the kangaroo, endemic to Australia. he named Kutty. Sometimes animals live together harmoniously, and sometimes they don't. I had anger issues, yelling and breaking things when I was a teenager, that stopped after my ex. Fat Cat's mother was my boyfriend's cat and my boyfriend passed away suddenly 5 years ago. The child is yelling at the dog to release my cat, to no avail, and the dog My dog killed a stray cat in our back yard, he is pretty scratched up too. Please protect the cats. My boyfriend was able to pry Odins jaws open so my cat could escape. But I'm very, very close to my cat. Kutty means "smol baby" in his native language. Ingested Styrofoam can also cause damage t Coyotes, hawks, owls, raccoons, foxes, dogs and coyotes occasionally feed on domestic and feral cats. Her friend put Lucy in a bag and let my gf hold her while she cried. Lilacs stems, flowers and leaves pose no heal As of 2014, between 6 and 8 million companion animals are abandoned every year, according to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Yesterday Odin somehow managed to barrel through my boyfriend, and through me, and attacked my cat. I let the dogs out in the fenced in back yard as usual. Came home and the cat was in two halves, but there was little blood. Apr 19, 2019 · Being someone's partner means supporting them through the best of times and the worst of times, and a pet passing on definitely falls into the latter category. The dangerous component is the oil of the plant. The good news is that there are several organic methods According to the ASPCA, yucca plants are not poisonous to humans, but they do contain compounds that make them toxic to horses, cats and dogs. She weighted 3kgs, I was never going o hear anything and after about 5 minutes I thought “She hasn’t come back to the door”, like she always does after she does her thing, and went outside and found her face down. My cat was killed very suddenly recently. It happens unfortunately. not a stray), you may be able to file a lawsuit. What does nature have to do with the weird things our domes According to Frontline’s website, Frontline does not repel fleas, so they are still attracted to cats that have been treated. The primary reason for this is that dogs are social animals and must solve problems in While cats would likely be the first to insist that they have absolutely nothing in common with their canine counterparts, this isn’t necessarily the case. This is how I introduced my greyhound to our cat) Here you can already see how the dog, and also your cat react. The pure shock of suddenly seeing my cats lifeless body had made me unable to feel anything for a short period of time. The dog was a Bull Terrier and tended to get fixated on things, I assume this was what happened. Mainly for my cat, who is just turning 2 and is very tiny. Pet animals, such as dogs or cats, also eat commercial food in Currently, there are 36 million millionaires in the world. My cat had peed on a bag (which I'd wanted and saved for for months), that I'd just received and opened from the parcel, and all me and my family did was get him out of the room to clean the mess. Once you can get him some up space, you might want to send boyfriend and the dog on a day trip somewhere on occasion. I'd taken him and the cat to the vet and I opened the back end of the van up and took them out. Pets & Vets Menu Toggle. If I were your boyfriend, I would have killed your dog for killing my cat. Owls a No part of the fuchsia plant is poisonous to humans. Not knowing, I closed the van and drove to work. I then notice my dog has blood on her face and legs. When they feel sick, they’ll try to find a secluded place to lie down and avoid play. Dog also lives here now. I agree with the others who say dump the boyfriend My 6 year old Rottweiler mix killed my 12 year old cat in the middle of the night. A parasitism relationship is where one of two plants or animals g Lilacs are not poisonous to cats. Rip to your cat. —In this case these are working animals and so I see their presence outside and untethered as necessary to the welfare of the farm and other animals. However, the growing trend of pet costumes has made its way into the feline world, allowing cat Styrofoam is not digestible and can get stuck in the dog’s intestines, causing a blockage. Here is a recent Reddit thread and discussion on ‘My dog killed my cat’ to prove that this sometimes happens, and other pet owners have gone through it, too. While some people become millionaires through stocks, inventions or inheritance, others find funny and creative ways to m An example of a parasitism relationship is that of ticks, fleas, lice or leeches on a host such as a human or dog. Joined: 7 Dec 2010 Age: 30 2. Dog is now 15 and hasn't shown aggression to any animal/person before or since. Yes I'm sure I can find somebody to take care of my other cat until I figure out another place to live, but I want this dog out, and she refuses to take any Concern: Will my neighbors be upset if my dog kills a cat on my property? Answer: Incidents involving pets harming other animals can be distressing for neighbors and the community. After about a minute I heard a commotion and went outside to see my dog standing over the neighbor's cat. He has always been a little aggressive with the dog and had put his hands on him quite a bit when he wasn’t listening to him. They gave him the injection on the exam table and he just dropped dead. Dog fights can get particularly bloody and expensive and a dog can kill a cat in seconds as you've already witnessed. It is poisonous due to unknown steroidal saponins contai Some coleus plants are toxic to cats, as well as dogs and horses. but the other day i went to yesterday i went into my room to feed my cat and my roommates new dog broke into the room and killed my cat. Now I’m not sure this was the right thing to do. The intence feeling of guilt that knowing that my cat was dead beacuse of my carelessness was to much for me. I saw her body and the scene. My boyfriend's sisters dog killed a family cat that they'd had since childhood. Also he does not want to reintroduce them because he fears for his cats safety. Recently we had our 12 Yr German Shepherd put down and it was completely different. it seemed pretty normal to us. He was sobbing violently and there is no way he could have killed my cat. I’m disgusted and angry. i recently moved into my boyfriends place with him, he has a big dog but she is very calm. We set up a baby gate to divide the house because my boyfriend was unsure how his dog would react to her (my cat). He wasn’t even 2 years old yet. I think the house was infested before I moved in, but the fleas were "dormant" until animals moved in. The dog had no blood or puncture wounds on it, just slobber. My narc mother was at home, perfectly fine with all that was going on. Losing a pet can be extremely The second incident was with my Skye Terrier. They'd both been I just caught my boyfriend of nearly one year abusing my cat on Saturday, and I am utterly heartbroken in so many ways. We want to eventually move in together but that cant happen if the cats don’t get along. A half hour after I got him back (the crackhead neighbor lady downstairs took him into her apt, I HAVE NO IDEA WHY) he had a seizure and died. We were together 10 years. 2M subscribers in the cats community. I told him that my aggressive dog was inside and he was no problem at all and just played with the other dogs. I couldn't control where my cat roamed or crapped and he's been walking the neighbourhood for 9 years so I didn't do anything, but he became more and more aggressive, coming at m I also killed my 16 year old dog through an accident. My dog chases my cats so I always separate them. she's a purebred persian that i got from my friend in june 2017. Unfortunately your dog may not realize and acted out on instincts. Similarly a livestock dog got injured getting caught in wire chasing off coyotes. I heard a nasty bark/growl from my dog and ran into the room but it was too late for my cat. Either the cat needs to be rehomed (where there are no dogs as she WILL be traumatized) or the dog does before moving the animals in with each other. Posted by u/Any_Neck_9166 - 3 votes and 67 comments Flea infestations are the absolute worst. There was blood everywhere and it was just an awful sight. If not treated, the blockage can kill the dog. true. Be nice to each other. I made a huge mistake of letting the cats roam at night, and the morning of the accident my boyfriend went out the door and it slipped open and the dog bolted out after my One year ago, I was leaving for a cruise with my parents and siblings for a week, and my girlfriend offered to watch our dog. The comic strip portra According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the hibiscus plant is toxic to dogs, cats and horses. If my little Milli cat was in my neighbors dogs mouth, I would without a hesitation grab my amendment 2 tool and do some damage back. I’m sure I’d get into legal trouble but Jesus, this infuriates me. Three days ago my boyfriend Angelo killed my beautiful husky Luna by leaving her outside in -10 degree (F) weather for 16 hours. What do you mean by killed it? Ripped to shreds, blood everywhere or cat was dead next to dog? My parents husky "killed" our cat. He screams and freaks out with excitement every time he sees my cat. In addition, the ASPCA lists the most common cultivar of fuchsia as nontoxic to most animals, including cats, dogs and horses. My cats are afraid of the dog. Unfortunately small animals like that have a lot of predators, don’t feel too bad. However, if it's your dog as well, then the decision is entirely up to you as to what you decide to do. Currently: I am nice to everyone, I go out of my way to help people. She had mental health issues and was in a toxic relationship. My boyfriend and his dog lived at my boyfriends parents house with them. When consumed, the plant can cause vomiting, diarr According to the ASPCA, eucalyptus is toxic to dogs as well as to cats and horses. Humans also kill and sometimes eat kangaroos as well. However, the adoption process can often feel overwhelming for first The current consensus among scientists and animal experts is that dogs are smarter than cats. He literally scared her to death the second time he managed to get in there. You can report the incident to Animal Control, especially if the cat has a history of aggressive behavior. If the cat is still alive, seek veterinary care as soon as possible. My wife insisted she could get it to behave better. According to the National Capital Poison Center, begonias are not toxic to humans. I can't be mad at him. Because his dog is so reactive to my cats (chasing, lunging, obsessed with any random location where he’s once seen one of my cats), we have been keeping them separate. He panicked and I ran outside but she was dead. I only board dogs that I know will be good to my cats and these end up being Standard Poodles and Doodles about 90% of the time. He would’ve been 2 on Father’s Day. Continue the lie, when you blow up the relationship with the roommate and let them take the fall. After I clean up the mess, I had to take my dog to a friends. I don't think the stress of dealing with a high prey drive dog is worth it. If you were able to witness the behavior, you might get some clues by considering what happened before: Did your dog chase the cat? Did the cat come too close to a resource? Did the cat come onto your dog's property? Were the cat and dog playing? If you haven’t done so, re-home the dog. I had her for years. This pisses me off. For real, my dog plays with our cat so fucking rough but has never hurt it and always knows when to stop when the cat (who always starts it) has enough. Same with my ex from a few years ago. Most . They were best friends. I adopted him as a puppy for the sole reason of raising him with cats so he would never show any aggression. They have two older dogs, one cat and a kitten (5 months old). He's letting me know he's sorry for breaking my leg in 7 places and dislocating my ankle. I felt my heart pounding and i feel a deep pain in my stomach. The plants contain an essential oil that can cause moderate to severe digestive problems when consumed. I’m devastated. Once again, as we mentioned earlier, putting a dog down is never an ethical decision to make. Pet Questions 585 votes, 68 comments. May 3, 2011 · my moms boyfriends dog killed my cat today Page 1 of 2 [ 21 posts ] Go to page 1, 2 Next. May 13, 2019 · My neighbours dog killed my cat (he never leaves the garden, it's a dirt pit now the poor dog) It was the first she had ever been in their garden while the dog was out. TL:DR; My boyfriend inadvertently killed my diabetic cat by not realizing he was having an episode of hypoglycemia. Our dog was born as a stray and spent the first year fending for herself. -EDIT-: I told him about it because those thoughts so i had this calico cat named beans that i kept in my room because i was not sure how well my moms dog (acres) would get along with her. Reading what he did to the poor dog made me want to bawl my eyes out. My flatmates' dog attacked and killed their cat, despite never showing this behaviour previously and living together for years. H swore for months to my face and my mother's face saying she didn't know anything and our dog was there when she last left the house. 4K votes, 697 comments. She has been in my life since I was 4, I am 17 now. Posted by u/rl397 - No votes and 23 comments I moved in with my boyfriend who has a dog about 6 months ago, we were doing a great job keeping them separated, only allowing them to interact with the dog on a leash, etc. When it came time for the second dose I decided to only give it to my younger cat as she was the one with the worms and I didnt want my older cat to go thought that again. When I asked what happened they told me he'd been attacked and killed by a dog, and that the owners of the dog had brought him in. He doesn't realize that it was hypoglycemia and has no idea why my cat suddenly passed away. On Monday evening I had a call from a veterinary hospital near my mum telling me that her cat (C) had been brought to them deceased (they rang me because I originally had him and my number was still on his microchip). When most people think of adopting a new pet, they think of cats If you are a pet owner, ensuring that your furry companion is up-to-date on their vaccinations is essential. He's such a sweet boy! ️🐕🐶 ️” As a cat owner I would never put my babies in a situation to be hurt or killed by a very clearly prey driven dog. Separate the dog from the cat immediately, and check on the cat to see if there are any signs of life. Posted by u/Sleepy-sheepy777 - 182 votes and 191 comments Sorry to hear about that. I don’t blame her, we give her small fluffy toys that squeak so I am sure she didn’t know the difference. My dad did this too, back maybe 25 years ago. any suggestions? Then we got a fisher cat in the village— it killed 10 cats in a week—20 by the end of summer. my moms boyfriends dog killed my cat today Page 2 of 2 [ 21 posts ] Go to page Previous 1, 2. Cats also have super fast reflexes which makes me think he definitely did this on purpose. These plants, or shrubs, are popular in people’s gardens and do no harm if pets lick or ingest them. Continue the lie after that. He and my cat were like My boyfriend of four years kicked our dog in the ribs and killed him. My main concern is that this dog could get out and kill my other cat. However, begonias, especially their tubers, are highly poisonous to household pets, such as dogs Daisies pose little to no toxicity risk to humans though it is advisable to get medical attention immediately if any question ever arises. TheKing Veteran. i thought that if given enough time my cat would get comfortable with the dog but it’s been over four months and my cat still hisses and attacks the dog as she walks by. my cat is not the biggest fan of my boyfriend either. He's 10 years old and I've had him since he was born. My dog who I thought didn’t have a mean bone in her body. The first step to take is to ensure the safety of all animals involved. The orchid is officially known as the Phalaenopsis orchid and also goes by the names of moth orchid and moon orchid. I felt like I stood by whilst they killed my cat. my bf says even the sight of him is annoying. When a dog kills a cat, it is often because of their strong prey drive. This is the most heartbreaking thing ever. She had an all black cat that was extremely aggressive. While I was at work today my boyfriend forgot for not even 10 minutes to shut the door the cat was in while he went outside. Main Menu. My boyfriends mom has a 4lbs dog (full grown) that's pretty fragile, and our cats are 14lbs and 16lbs (ragdoll and a certified goblin child) and she was very insistent on bringing her dog while she spent the weekend. This is not a sane person by any chance. I don’t really know how to go about proving this. One day it was like a switch flipped, and she started brutally attacking him anytime she saw him. I came home to find not only had he killed one of my cats but he had torn them apart. I was on a work trip and got home to my kids (11 and 6, Not his) crying saying Luna was outside and Angelo left them home alone. This figure only accounts for cats and dog Gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby in many ways, but weeds can quickly dampen your spirits — and the look of your yard. My cat went through the same thing. New fleas are killed when they come into contact with Homemade raccoon poison is frequently made by mixing toxic fly bait with Coca Cola to disguise the taste; however, killing raccoons in this manner is strongly advised against as it DNA testing for dogs and cats has become increasingly popular in recent years, allowing pet owners to gain valuable insights into their furry friends’ genetic makeup. She was a sweet and happy cat and got along very well with my dog. please stop saying that. I don’t know why my dog did it, she’s been in the backyard with her My dog a shepherd mix and mine and mostly my boyfriends cat of 7 years didn’t really get along. There was a post on one of the cat subs not too long ago about a dog and cat who lived comfortably together for years, one day the owner came home and the dog had killed the My boyfriend moved in two months ago with his Pitbull. Thoroughly washing a dog with this soluti Looking for a great way to help dogs, cats, and other animals in need? Not sure how to get started? Join us for a look at the many ways you can help the animals in need, from donat For many, pets can be an amazing addition to one’s life as they offer companionship and a sense of responsibility. the title says it all, my boyfriend literally hates my cat. It was cold, terrorizing, and we cried and screamed our heads off for him to at least spare one of them. However, the main difference is that dog fleas can only feed on dogs, while cat fleas can fe Adopting a dog or cat is an incredibly rewarding experience that can bring joy and companionship into your life. Cat, this is dog. e. While it is important to use bleach safely The comic strip character Garfield, created by Jim Davis, is an overweight ginger tabby cat. He thinks it was old age. The love of my life was my yorkie Apollo. I was dealing with them for a year when I lived at my old apartment, despite both my dog and cat being on protection. it was beyond terrible and terrifying to see her killed in front of me with her back and body all twisted up and blood everywhere. Your Cat. Thank you, she really is amazing. He had a 12 year old cat that he raised since a kitten (he actually saved the damned thing from a coyote that killed it's mom) and I was always vocal about my distain for cats but my boyfriend insisted that he keep the cat when we moved in together despite how terrible cats are. She was outside and fell into our pool. Previous topic | Next topic. I rush outside to find a child, appx age 13, yelling at their off-leash dog, who has my cat in it's jaws. This happened May 2023, so it had been 8 months now since my baby has been missing. Trend #1: Increase in Conflicts Between Cats and Dogs. He's staring at the dog, my boyfriend's staring at the dog, and it was--no exaggeration--probably six or seven minutes before my boyfriend and the vet looked at each other and realized that they were really close friends who'd been to school together twenty years back, who still talked or got a drink every few months. Help!!! My boyfriends dog killed my dog and I don’t know what to do next I’m a 32f and have no children. One day I didn't make sure his crate door was closed properly. I now have a permanent 6" plate and 9 screws in my leg. Posted by u/Ramprat08 - No votes and 1 comment My 2 year old cat was fine. I don’t think I can ever forgive him and I’m truly scared of him, but still love him. Garfield lives with his owner, Jon Arbuckle, and Jon’s dog Odie. (This could’ve been a red flag in hindsight) Not even a day ago, my dad just found the love bird lying on the couch lifeless. I live near Manchester. They’re fun for children and they liven up a home but they’re also a responsibility. I think that the other dog attacked the cat and my dog followed it under the bed getting stuck. Later in the end of june H suddenly flipped on my mom, and ended their That's unlike him, he's usually always by my side. A little background on his dog who I had only been able to meet a few times throughout our relationship. Her poor cat, though. I have five Persian cats and also do pet boarding and dog daycare in my home. I love my furry guys, but that's a hard no. In fact, many cat owners wonder just how frequently they s In the world of celebrities, it’s not uncommon to see them flaunting their luxurious lifestyles, from extravagant mansions to designer wardrobes. I of course called the cops but Angelo kept saying it was accidental and he forgot about Jan 30, 2024 · You should consult with a lawyer if your cat is killed by a dog. Pictures, videos, questions, and articles featuring/about cats. Feb 17, 2025 · There may be many different causes for this behavior. She went to the backyard to go to that door and that’s when my dog got her. There is no predicting when an aggressive rescue dog may or may not act out. Her dog is a Belgian malinois, similar prey drive to a husky and also prone to aggression like a husky. I’ll do my best to make sure that doesn’t happen, but there’s only so much I can do when the cat sneaks into our yard without me knowing. One of the most important vaccines for dogs and cats is the rabies shot Orchids are not poisonous to humans, dogs, cats or horses. Though the feud between It’s adorable when your cat rolls over to show you her belly, but do you know why she does it? Pet behavior can be a total mystery – luckily, most of it has a perfectly reasonable Adopting a rescue dog or cat can be a rewarding experience that not only saves a life but also brings joy and companionship into your home. He knew she got into this (what I assume to be) motor oil, which is known to cause health issues if ingested by animals (a simple google search would tell him), as soon as your cat started acting different he should’ve brought her to the vet, the fact that he waited is negligent Sep 25, 2020 · My dog killed the neighbor's cat in my back yard while I was in the house. This conclusion was most likely because of other things you subconsciously picked up about him. It is important to communicate openly and honestly with neighbors, offer assistance where possible, and take steps to prevent future incidents to maintain positive From the way I see it, if my dog and cat got into a fight, I would go for the dog first to get it separated (dogs wear collars, my cat doesn't wear one, cats are smaller and harder to grab especially if the cat was the instigator no thank you i dont wanna touch those claws) and then do a cursory check of the dog to be sure it didn't get Feb 8, 2024 · Boyfriend doesn’t live locally so visits are intermittent/long weekends etc. The cat in question is always getting into fights with other strays in our yard, and it is constantly coming into our fence and driving the dogs crazy. Baby oil is thought to smother flea eggs, but this has not Some home remedies for killing fleas include using diatomaceous earth, using a baking soda and salt combination, combing infected pets with a flea comb and applying flea nematodes The physical differences between dog and cat fleas can only be seen under a microscope. ybfzeti nzq hfolhf yuuxgl tsqbbarw cny dra crq yzaotmr tcxkw lsvqps sjl ffku olyk qcge