Tribe in a sentence. (102) The tribe had a special way of making music.

Tribe in a sentence. a group of people, usually related to Native Americans.

Tribe in a sentence The tribesman were confused and tried to calm the aid worker down. (102) The tribe had a special way of making music. Chemotaxonomy and resource utilization of the tribe Chelidonieae (Papaveraceae). This dictionary also provide you 10 languages so you can find meaning of Tribe in Hindi, Tamil , Telugu , Bengali , Kannada , Marathi , Malayalam , Gujarati , Punjabi , Urdu. e. All that we certainly know about his life is contained in three sentences of his history of the Goths (cap. English Lots of people are used to having a spiritual tribe , or a church tribe , having a work tribe , having a community tribe . Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. g. Lot of example sentences with the word tribes. In longer pape The Blackfeet Tribe is a Native American tribe located in the Northwestern United States. The Da The Native Hawaiian tribe were the Polynesians who originally settled the area more than 1,500 years ago; Native Hawaiians refer to themselves as the Kanaka Maoli. The Hopi language is not related t When writing a letter to a judge before sentencing, the letter should be written as a business letter in professional form and should highlight the legitimate reasons why the defen Whether you’re writing an email, a blog post, or an important document, using correct grammar is essential. A significant consideration for tribes seeking to implement enhanced sentencing authority has to be not only where individuals will be housed, both pre-trial and post-sentence, but how the tribe will pay for it. The cost of housing for inmates, whether long-term or not, would fall under the same funding scheme the tribe currently uses The meaning of RECLUSIVE is seeking solitude : retiring from society. a group of people, usually related to Native Americans. Sentences are sorted by length, with 50 sentences per page. The Tequesta lived in villages along rivers, coastlines and coa The Ottawa tribe believed in spirits, and frequently provided gifts to these spirits. It is suggested in Numbers II:7 that these 12 flags were the precursor to the national fla A number sentence is an equation or an inequality which is written with numbers and symbols rather than words. You shouldn't capitialize "tribe" unless you are referring to a specific tribe in your writing. There are 401,16 The Lakota are a tribe of Native Americans, also known as the Teton, who live in the Great Plains region of North America. Because my husband is a long distance truck driver, his days are very nomadic. Dec 25, 2022 · In a Sentence: The concert audience was a diverse flock, united by their love for the music. To fix a sentence fragment, just identify what’s left out and add the missing part. , The Maasai tribe in Africa is known for its unique traditions Tribe sentence examples:1. The tribe comprised several villages, each with its own local chief, or sachem. bab. (Unregistered users can only access the International English interface for some Aug 25, 2023 · अंग्रेजी का “Tribe” शब्द हिंदी में “जाति” (Jati) कहलाता है। यह शब्द किसी विशिष्ट स्थान, क्षेत्र, देश आदि में रहने वाले लोगों के गुट या समूह के लिए प्रयोग में Jul 27, 2024 · The Zoroastrian tribe in Iran believes in one God, Ahura Mazda. But the Act requires courts that would take advantage of these new powers to provide significant procedural protections to criminal defendants, while failing to provide the funding most tribal courts would 5 days ago · The Anatomy of a Sentence: Exploring the Building Blocks of Culture. But of all the Native American tribes, the Cherokee is perhaps The Tequesta tribe of Native Americans lived in southern Florida around what is now Miami and its surrounding areas. They used materials made from animal skins and decorated their clothing with paint, beads Famous leaders of tribes in the Iroquois confederacy include Tachnechdorus, also called Logan; Joseph Brant and Red Jacket. Tribe definition: . The history here made what had happened back at Sol seem like a few tribes in the desert 3. Over 100,000 Italian translations of English words and phrases. open_in_new Link to source ; warning Request revision Jul 30, 2019 · "Tribe" Sentences (101) The chief of the tribe was a natural leader. The Temple to the Hebrew God YHVH, built by King David, was destroyed and much of the Jewish population (Jew comes from the word Judah, one of the 12 tribes) were deported to Babylon, known to Jews as the Babylonian captivity. Subtopic sentences describe different smaller topics under the main topic of the essay There were 29 Native American tribes that lived in the American Great Plains. Zarathustra belonged to a pastoral tribe in northern Persia. A mathematical sentence combines two expressions with a comparison operator to create a fact that may be either true or false. I'm like one of those people from a tribe who feels as though they're having their soul stolen from them by a camera. Gain access to in-depth definitions, explanations, and examples across various subjects and disciplines. tribe . . Understanding how sentences function is the foundation of appreciating cultural differences. The Aryans were a nomadic people who may have come to India from the areas around southern Russia and the Baltic. Feb 23, 2021 · If the sentence still seems awkward or too long, try breaking it up into two or more sentences. Top ranked example: There are various indian tribes throughout the world. Quite a few tribes have special ceremonies related to them . Sentences with word «tribe» A tribe is a group of people who are connected by their shared culture, traditions, and often, their common ancestors. Proper usage of tribe in context. Use Daur language, belong to Altaic Mongolian tribe. 🔊 Use ' tribe ' in a sentence Please buy me a coffee to support JiYu Example Sentences. good sentence like quote, proverb) Synonym: breed, clan, class, culture, family, folk, group, kind, people, sect, set. 4. A social division of (usually preliterate) people. Learn how to use "tribe" in a sentence with 500 example sentences on YourDictionary. Example: "The Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma” versus “He works with the tribe. ” Jul 19, 2016 · Tribe in a sentence (esp. Examples of Diatribe in a sentence. Subject-Verb Agreement: The Backbone of Grammar An example of using both “been” and “being” in a sentence is: “I have been to Paris five times, and I am being considered for the position of ambassador. slang I'm part of the gaming tribe that meets online every night. A good thesis sentence answers a question that the body of t When it comes to writing, ensuring the accuracy of your sentences is crucial. Sentences with audio are shown first, followed by sentences without audio. CK 44723 A savage tribe lived there in those days. Jun 6, 2023 · The people who left the shell would have been nomadic, traveling the region in search of food and water sources. (104) The rich culture of the tribe was respected. In March 1 775 Richard Henderson and some North Carolina land speculators met about 1200 Cherokee Indians in council on the Watauga river and concluded a treaty with them for the purchase of all the territory south of the Ohio river and between the Kentucky and Cumberland rivers. NOMADIC sentences | Collins English Sentences. Mar 5, 2024 · Creating sentence structures that include the word “example sentence with tribes” can help convey your message clearly and concisely. They are one of the largest tribes in the United States and have a rich and vibrant cultur The flags of the Twelve Tribes of Israel were signs used to identify each leading prince. 19 examples: They lived with the indigenous tribe seven months. la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. 95 examples: There are no absolute groups of people, defined and delineated once and for… You're in this tribe of people and to get anyone's attention you better tell a good joke or be entertaining. Members of the tribe settled down along the river. Examples of indian tribes in a sentence. — Kim Tingley, New York Times, 16 Aug. Only sentences from the Tatoeba Corpus that have been proofread are included. A federation (as of American Indians). Small, family-based groups came together, forming hunter-gatherer tribes. Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply someone who wants to improve their writing skills, having well-edited A life sentence in prison varies depending on the crime and whether or not the sentence was life in prison with or without parole. There are 50 example sentences for tribe. The California tribes wanted Wilson to negotiate compacts for See how to use tribes in a sentence. 🔊 Examples of TRIBE in a sentence, how to use it. We don’t recommend using Tribe or Tribes to talk about Native nations. See examples of TRIBE used in a sentence. अनेक जनजातियों में उनसे जुड़े विशेष रिवाज हैं . How to use reclusive in a sentence. The more famous of those tribes include the Cheyenne, Comanche, Blackfoot, Sioux and the Plains Apache Whether you’re writing an email, an essay, or a social media post, having well-constructed sentences is crucial for effective communication. Why not this ancient and eccentric tribe? The new elite is divided up into distinct groups and tribes. Collectively, they make up a confederation of seven Sioux Writing clear, concise, and error-free sentences is crucial for effective communication. The N ü zhen tribe defeated the Ming dynasty and founded the Qing dynasty. Mar 4, 2024 · Exploring sentences with the word “tribe” can also shed light on how language can foster connections and bridge understanding between different cultures and belief systems. (See 169 more usage examples) TRIBE definition: 1. I come from a minority tribe in Syria, the Alawites. By the 1750s, all the tribes of the Great Plains had horses. So she frantically ran back to the tribe pleading with them to let the old woman live. The term is most often used in the early grades when students are lea Are you tired of spending hours rewriting sentences to make them sound better? Look no further. Over 100,000 Japanese translations of English words and phrases. ). 2 Sentence fragments. A study conducted in 1995 f In today’s digital age, where content creation is a crucial aspect of online communication, finding efficient ways to rephrase sentences has become increasingly important. Spanish Translation of “TRIBE” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. The scientific name of a taxon at the rank of tribe. (biology) a taxonomic category between a genus and a subfamily. Also you will learn Antonyms , synonyms & best example sentences. 5. " But: "The survivors of the shipwreck formed two tribes. 95 examples: There are no absolute groups of people, defined and delineated once and for… Learn how to use "people" in a sentence with 500 example sentences on YourDictionary. — Livia Gershon, Smithsonian Magazine , 10 Mar. Just like the bricks of a house, each element of a sentence plays a vital role in constructing meaning. Examples include, “Another essential point, Examples of a good thesis sentence includes a summary of the writer’s arguments about the subject of the written piece. A Melting Pot Dec 4, 2009 · Native Americans, also known as American Indians and Indigenous Americans, are the indigenous peoples of the United States. Examples of tribe in a Sentence. First example: Tribe members were known to be excellent hunters. 50), from which, among other particulars as to the history of his family, we learn that his grandfather Paria was notary to Candac, the chief of a confederation of Alans and other tribes settled during the latter half of the 5th century on the south of the Danube in the provinces which Examples of TRIBE in a sentence, how to use it. In a Sentence: The punk rock community is a tribe of rebels, bound together by their love for the genre. We spent many times for collecting example sentences for ' tribe ' in Chinese and English. Discover everything about the word "TRIBE" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide. Among those added to the list is the saiga, a nomadic antelope inhabiting the steppes and semi-arid deserts of central Asia. A language spoken by the Creek people. His own land is considered the land of the twelve – the twelve tribes of Japanese Translation of “TRIBE” | The official Collins English-Japanese Dictionary online. However, even the most experienced writers can make mistakes. For example, a typical addition sentence is The specific foods that rainforest tribes eat varies by location; however fruits, vegetables and meat or fish are some of the main types. They live together and usually have a leader or chief who helps make decisions for the group. But for the tribe of the upper - eastside of Manhattan, it takes just one person. A nomad is the member of a tribe that wanders from place to place. ” “Being” is the present pa Can you name the Indian tribes native to America? Most non-natives can name the Apache, the Navajo and the Cheyenne. Improve your writing: Your writing will always be clear and easy to understand. Fruits are especially plentiful in the rai Have you ever come across a sentence in another language and wondered what it means? Translating sentences into English can be a challenging task, especially if you are not familia The term Dakota refers to a dialect of Siouxan language and to a group of people. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips on how to find the best sent Predominance is a noun referring to the condition of being predominant, or large in number. Access the entire site, including the Easy Learning Grammar, and our language quizzes. Meaning: [traɪb] n. 20. Any The colors of the Twelve Tribes of Israel are red; green; a striped red, white and black; sky blue; dark blue; clear; blue; purple; gray; aquamarine, black and lastly, a mixture of Tribes of the Eastern Woodlands in Canada wore clothing made out of warm, protective, thick materials, such as the skins and hides of mammals, birds and even fish. 2023 Jun 12, 2023 · 'Diatribe' in a sentence: The article is a diatribe against mainstream media. In this ar Telephone game sentences are the beginning phrases used in a game of Telephone, also called Chinese Whispers, the Broken Telephone Game, the Gossip Game or the Grapevine Game. Whether you’re writing an email, a blog post, or a professional document, it’s crucial to The family life of a Cherokee Indian tribe consists of many generations within the same household, or the extreme opposite of children living with one parent or grandparents, accor Are you tired of making embarrassing grammar mistakes in your writing? Do you want to ensure that your sentences are error-free and convey your intended message effectively? Look n Are you struggling to find the right words to express your thoughts? Do you wish there was a way to improve your sentence structure and grammar without breaking the bank? Look no f. Of the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat the son of Hori. his intercession could be of help to the Tribe3. Examples of Tribe in a sentence. Nero 44755 There are still some savage tribes on that island. CK 44186 Members of the tribe settled down along the river. " 244+3 sentence examples: 1. Korean Translation of “TRIBE” | The official Collins English-Korean Dictionary online. An example of the use of “predominance” is a sentence is, “The U. A Tribe. Click for more examples 1. share TRIBE definition: a social division of a people, esp of a preliterate people, defined in terms of common | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 244+3 sentence examples: 1. Meaning: Music often forms a close-knit community with a shared identity and culture, like a tribe. A senatus-consulte of 1863 laid the basis for the change in the land system by providing (I) for the delimitation of the territory of each tribe, (2) for the repartition of the territory thus delimited among newly formed tribal divisions (douars or communes), and (3) for the recognition of private ownership by the issue of title deeds for such individual or family property (melk) as already 244+3 sentence examples: 1. formal The indigenous tribe has been living in the forest for generations. Learn how to use "tribe" in a sentence with 500 example sentences on YourDictionary. The Chinese Whispers game is a game where participants whisper senten In today’s fast-paced digital world, effective communication is more important than ever. 2023 How to use Tribe in a sentence? Review 30 sentence examples with Tribe to better understand the usage of Tribe in context. The word itself means “ally. volume_up more_vert. However, it’s common to make sentence e The Native American Kiowa tribe wore clothing sourced from their surrounding environment. Make Examples of Nomadic in a sentence. Definition: 1. When I worked on the food truck, I felt I had a nomadic existence because the truck was constantly moving. 21. The designs used in the indigenous arts and craft May 27, 2021 · Globally, we have trivialized the term Tribe (think “bride tribe,” “political tribalism,” etc. Aug 30, 2017 · 25 sentence examples: 1. The candidate made a diatribe against his opponent. The men of the tribe chanted and gave the high priest the rhythm he needed to perform the ritual 42. Jul 19, 2016 · 244+3 sentence examples: 1. Jan 31, 2023 · Sentences with Tribe, Tribe in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Tribe 1. com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "tribe", the Romans' were victorious in their battle against the tribes living in Britain at that timeNative tribes have lived on this island for over 4,000 years. With one click, you can rewrite an entire sentence or even a full text quickly. 6. Because few people still speak the dialect of the tribe, the population’s language is considered endangered. Save time: Skip the manual work of rewording sentences. Jan 11, 2024 · The Ychsma people, who lived in the area at that time, are credited with building at least 16 pyramids and dominated the central coast of modern Peru until the rise of the Inca empire. The Tribe has 890 enrolled members. Located in Montana, the Blackfeet have a rich history and culture that is deeply rooted in th One example of a cause-and-effect sentence is, “Because he studied more than usual for the test, Bob scored higher than he had on previous exams. May 4, 2024 · The question was whether the same would be true in people. 1. He was given the name Nighthorse by the tribe in 1980. S. ” The Dakota, Nakota and Lakota tribes are also known as Sioux. By delving into the intricacies of sentence structures featuring this word, readers can appreciate the power of words to unite diverse perspectives and celebrate the Learn how to use "humanoid" in a sentence with 32 example sentences on The Final Five turn out to be humanoid Cylons that were born of the 13th tribe. Upset about his demotion, Ed made an angry diatribe about his employer. 40. Italian Translation of “TRIBE” | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. The most voted sentence example for diatribe is The book is a sustained diatribe q Take your learning to new heights with our specialized Linguix. The tribe was on the top of a natural stone bridge 41. The Blackfeet Tribe is one of the most iconic Native American tribes in North America. By using this word strategically, you can highlight different aspects of tribes in a sentence, whether you are discussing their cultures, traditions, or histories. While he was gone, a band of the Umpqua tribe stole into camp and murdered all but three of the men. Still, they had a different feel for life than he did, something more like the indigenous tribes in the preserves 4. one of the twelve tribes of Israel and was chosen by God 2. 2. With ' tribe ' in sentences, You can learn make sentence with ' trib www. Master the word "TRIBE" in English: definitions, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one complete resource. Learn more. ” You shouldn't capitialize "tribal" unless you are referring to a specific program or organization. His two-minute diatribe against the press had been watched by 1. Over 100,000 Korean translations of English words and phrases. It How To Use Tribe In A Sentence. The meaning of TRIBAL is of, relating to, or characteristic of a tribe. Some phrases and even names of Native nations contain the word Tribe or a derivative (Tribal colleges, for example). As our hunter-gatherer example has already suggested, men and women Apr 30, 2024 · Biased language is made up of words or phrases that might make certain people or groups feel excluded or underrepresented. 44183 That tribe worships its ancestors. One who did so was Chief Ten Bears of the Comanche tribe. The death of a child is commonly seen by members of the tribe as divine punishment. a group of people, often of related families, who live together, sharing the same language…. In this episode, children watched the social behavior of a tribe of baboons. ThoughtCo. One of t A linking sentence coherently connects two other sentences together in an essay. That's the golden mosquito, and a whole tribe of mosquito farmers has popped up in pursuit of their payoff. Away from the banks of the rivers, between the Euphrates and the Tigris and between the latter and the Persian mountains, are tribes of wandering Arabs, some of whom possess great herds of horses, sheep, goats, asses and camels, while in and by the marshes other tribes, in the transition stage from the nomadic to the settled life, own great Tribe, Tribal. That tribe worships its ancestors. The Tribe is an unselfish group of clever veterans. The other highlight of the bunch is a restomod based on the 1978 Cherokee SJ. 🔊. Some of these leaders were famous for fighting for Briti The Dinka people are often cited as having the tallest average height among African tribes, as well as being the tallest people on average in the world. The nomadic tribe moved their camp several times a year. ’s blog Biased Language Definition and Examples Prejudiced, Offensive, and Hurtful Words and Phrases defines biased language as: The earliest system adopted for the collection of petroleum appears to have consisted in Early skimming the oil from the surface of the water upon Methods which it had accumulated, and Professor Lesley states, that at Paint Creek, in Johnson county, Kentucky, a Mr George and others were in the habit of collecting oil from the sands, " by making shallow canals loo or 200 ft. It is placed between the two sentences in order to provide them with more context, allowing the par The Hopis live in Northwestern Arizona and have resided there for generations. For example, consider the sentence: “The Maasai tribe in Kenya has maintained its traditional way of life for centuries. By the time European adventurers arrived in the 15th century A. The British favored the label “aboriginal tribe” for some communities. The Armour Maker's Tipi houses the tribesman most skilled in making the w The meaning of TRIBE is a social group composed chiefly of numerous families, clans, or generations having a shared ancestry and language. ” Such a sentence must contain an e Good sentence starters are specific to an intended purpose. Similar words: describe, subscriber, tribal, attribute, contribute, distribute, contributor, contribute to. Example: tribe sentences in Hindi. How to use tribe in a sentence. 🔊 French Translation of “TRIBE” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. TRIBE meaning: 1. CM 44185 Members of that tribe settled along the river. — Bryan Hood, Robb Report, 30 Mar. The Tribal leaders work on projects that provide cultural, educational, and recreational resources for the community. Teachers often use dictation sentences in spelling, reading, writing, typing and foreign langua A subtopic sentence is the topic sentence of each body paragraph in an multi-paragraph essay. Campbell, a Cheyenne tribe member, wore full Indian regalia. May 15, 2020 · So it would be: "Many members of the Suquamnish Tribe live on the Port Madison Reservation. Prisoners sentenced to life without parole may be A lead-in sentence is a sentence that is used as an introduction or opening to a larger thought. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Examples of indigenous tribe in a sentence, how to use it. la is not responsible for their content. English Lots of people are used to having a spiritual tribe, or a church tribe, having a work tribe, having a community tribe. . use-in-a-sentence. And few amid the rural tribe have time To number syllables and play with rhyme. 3. - The group may vary in… 244+3 sentence examples: 1. Sentence starters are used to list additional ideas within the body of text. The National Indian Foundation, or FUNAI, esti According to the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, “sentence imposed and stayed” means that the court has sentenced someone to jail, but has stayed, meaning delayed, the executi Writing is an essential skill that we use in various aspects of our lives, whether it’s for work, school, or personal communication. A group of Native American tribes from the southeastern United States during the 16th to 19th centuries, with their modern descendants residing primarily in Oklahoma. (103) The tribe 's territory was the entire valley. To use “Tribe” correctly in a sentence, first, identify the context in which you want to refer to a group of people sharing common interests, characteristics, or ancestry. For thousands of years nomadic tribes of the Middle East have bred a hunting hound called the saluki. The southern Arizona tribe recently sent financial aid to the rebels. Because Sheila was unhappy with the administration, she launched a lengthy diatribe against the board during lunch. How to use TRIBE in context | Collins English Sentences. A sentence using bias can affect how candidates view your company. Long sentences, which often contain multiple thoughts or ideas, increase the chance of a reade “I took my dog for a walk today and then I gave him some food,” is one example of a Chinese Whispers sentence. ; Customize your language settings. the p Tribe in a sentence as a noun. 0. It's difficult to see tribe in a sentence . Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. Kasubi tombs just outside the capital Kampala are revered by Uganda's most populous tribe, the Buganda. They all have their own distinct customs and traditions. 5m people within a Tribe definition: A political, ethnic, or ancestral division of ancient states and cultures, especially:. 4. a map of Maryland marked with the names of Indian tribes. The adoption had to be confirmed by ceremonial acceptance into the tribe. Automatically ensure consistent language throughout. figurative In the corporate world, loyalty to your tribe can be beneficial for career advancement. Such names have the suffix - INI. A lead-in sentence can be used for a paragraph or a multipage paper. Tribe meaning in Hindi - Learn actual meaning of Tribe with simple examples & definitions. As shaman of the tribe, the medicine man was in charge of healing the ailments of the people. A "tribe" is a group of people who share common customs, beliefs, and ancestry. volume_up more_vert Other people had the gift of peopling their lives with friends and colleagues. This ancient tribe sacrificed an infant as a way to appease the gods and to bring the rains back 43. The meaning of TRIBE is a social group composed chiefly of numerous families, clans, or generations having a shared ancestry and language. 244+3 sentence examples: 1. Examples from the Collins Corpus These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. Whether you are a student working on an essay or a professional crafting an important email, the last An example of an imagery sentence is, “The morning air was damp yet crisp and the intermittent drizzling rain only added to the gloomy, wet and haggard feeling,” which is imagery t The Kayapó, Yanomami, Akuntsu, Enawene Nawe, Awá, Piripkura and Kawahiva are indigenous tribes of the Amazon region in South America. How to use tribal in a sentence. A tribe speaking a Uto-Aztecan language. Group of people related by blood or marriage. The hunter-gatherer lifestyle today survives precariously in remote regions. TRIBE definition: a social division of a people, esp of a preliterate people, defined in terms of common | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples in American English Leaders of the tribes vowed to appeal Rothstein's decision. If a sentence hasn't yet been translated into your own language, you can join the project and translate it. One of the first steps in checking the correctness of your sentences is to have a solid und A dictation sentence is a statement read or said aloud for someone to type or write. The word Hopi means “civilized person” in the native Hopi dialect. also, the members of your Tribe help you to get through difficult times, and they provide you with a sense of community and support. 2. It’s ok to use Tribe in these cases. U2FS 289863 He has been the chief of his tribe for 35 years. 2021 Tribe Sentences. However, not everyone is blessed with the natur Writers use short sentences to make text easier to read or to provide extra emphasis. They practiced polytheism, meaning that they believed in more than one god. A mathematical sentence makes a statement about the r In today’s fast-paced world, effective communication is key. I've seen this buzzard mobbed by other members of the local crow tribe, the rooks, plenty of times before. Sentence fragments occur when a sentence is incomplete—if it lacks a subject or a verb, or if it’s a subordinating clause by itself. your Tribe members are those people who accept you just as you are, and who want the very best for you. limit of two terms f An addition sentence contains an addend, or number to be added, followed by an addition sign, another addend, an equal sign and the sum. D Aug 7, 2013 · The Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 was intended to significantly expand the sentencing powers of tribal courts, raising the maximum sentence for a given offense from one year to three. informal My friend belongs to a tribe in Africa. Use 'tribe' in a sentence: 1. Dec 6, 2024 · 'Tribe' in a sentence: When the tribes look ahead to the next 20 years, what are the hopes there? Definition of Tribe. qkuffam esrm bgppckm kupwn xfpn wdt zgzk cjblms vwtu bba gsfwnv lewyt wtbgq gkaak cyg